What are the Common Challenges Your Team Experiences?
  1. Poor communication (not listening carefully, not speaking clearly. Texting or emails instead of face-to-face conversations when there are critical issues).
  1. Not being a team player (dominating the situations, criticizing others, not keeping commitments).
  1. Not being aware of the impact of behavior or decisions on others (poor self-awareness, abusing power). Being a taker instead of a giver.
  1. Excluding others (taking the credit for accomplishments or trying to do it all yourself because you don’t trust others to do a good job).
  1. A fragmented team in which conflicts cause polarization.
  1. Team members who are too accommodating (too willing to agree: lacking the confidence to express different opinions).
  1. Lack of interest  (the project is not interesting or challenging enough or they have no incentive to complete the project).
  1. Resentment or misbehavior (one or more members do not behave as a team worker)
  1. One person dominates or is too submissive which causes unbalanced discussions


What you can do about these common problems …

Develop your team!                                

Employees and management teams looking to improve individual leadership skills in the team will benefit from participating in our group sessions for up to 12 participants. The group sessions can vary from 2 hours to 6 hours depending on your ideas and the need.

Our programs for teams build better leadership skills in every individual employee no matter their position. The programs raise professional performance, improve communication, engagement, and collaboration among colleagues – even in difficult times. We will help your team gain new clarity that will move your business forward and influence the bottom line in a positive way.

  • Our customized training has a proven record of dramatically improving personal and professional performance for our clients.
  • They foster a safe environment that encourages employees to develop themselves authentically.

Workshops and Webinars: Fully customizable from 30 minutes up to 2 hours per week. The Center of Innovation for Leaders offers unique programs catered to your needs.

The outcome of our programs is personal and organizational growth: a must for every company. Participants learn at a deep core level. By being guided through simple and thorough exercises they get valuable answers and insights. Progress and solutions occur as a natural consequence.

Contact Us for a free assessment of your team

or call: 916-812-8012

Photo: thank you Bekir Donmez @ Unsplash