Experience stress?



1. In What Areas do You Experience Stress?

1. Finances
2. Material necessities (food, clothing, etc.)
3. Material luxuries (large home, expensive car)
4. Stamina, endurance, energy
5. A negative outlook
6. Health and attention to physical needs
7. The health of family members
8. Personal flexibility and adaptability
9. Intimacy with one or more family members
10. Primary relationship
11. Not having a supportive, involved partner
12. Time for self, personal leisure pursuits
13. Relationship with children
14. Parenting
15. A sense of control over life
16. Feelings of success
17. Stable employment
18. A meaningful career
19. Opportunities to grow and advance at work
20. Meaningful friendships
21. A support system
22. Childcare
23. Household chores
24. Continuing education growth
25. Spiritually
26. Opportunities to be involved/contribute
27. No purpose


2. Choose an area you would like to change (one of the 27 above).


3. Now, try one of these coping mechanism (CM) for at least a month and track the results.

CM 1: Change Your Language

1. The language you use to describe your feelings and situations has a powerful impact on your stress level. So what words do you use?
2. Words like “should,” “ought,” “must,” “always” and “never” are absolute and can lock you into a mindset that harmfully impacts your self-esteem, relationships, and outlook.

CM 2: Reduce Unproductive Guilt

The negative emotion of guilt can be paralyzing. You can feel guilty for something you did, for something you didn’t do, for something you thought you did or for not doing enough. Enough reasons. The question is, do you want the guilt to control you? Or do you want to control the guilt? Make the choice and stick to it.

CM 3: Question Your Standards and Expectations

Which of your standards can be lowered? Which ones need to be raised? What expectations are helpful? Which ones aren’t? Choose 2 standards and 2 expectations that you will stay focused on.

CM 4: Explore Organizational Flexibility

To make the most of your life and work, you may need flexibility. Some arrangements you may be able to negotiate in your work place could include:
• Flexible start and end times
• Working at home
• Job sharing
• Part-time work
• Not working after 6 p.m., not working before 9 a.m., etc.

CM 5: Focus on What is Right

Sometimes you become so focused on what’s wrong that you forget to notice the things that are going right. Taking time to look for what is right instead of what is wrong increases your appreciation and restores perspective to your life.

Photo: Luis Villasmil, Kristopher Roller, Stan B @ Unsplash